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60 Most Common Italian Verbs

Verbs are the core of every language because they carry the meaning or action. Conjugating verbs is the cornerstone of speaking any language. But how many verbs are there in Italian? Thousands? And how many do you actually use on a daily basis? Just a few of them.

Before moving on to compiling your list of verbs you’ll actually use, make sure you memorize the most common ones and, most importantly, their conjugations.

My approach in my language class isn’t to teach as many verbs and words as possible but rather to focus on those that you’re most likely to use.

#VerbEnglish Translation
1Essereto be
2Avereto have
3Fareto do/make
4Direto say
5Potereto be able to/can
6Dovereto have to/must
7Volereto want
8Sapereto know
9Stareto stay/be
10Andareto go
11Venireto come
12Vedereto see
13Dareto give
14Prendereto take
15Mettereto put/place
16Parlareto speak
17Trovareto find
18Lasciareto leave/let
19Sentireto hear/feel
20Pensareto think
21Chiedereto ask
22Uscireto go out
23Lavorareto work
24Entrareto enter
25Rimanereto remain/stay
26Aprireto open
27Chiudereto close
28Portareto bring/carry
29Mangiareto eat
30Bereto drink
31Scrivereto write
32Leggereto read
33Dormireto sleep
34Capireto understand
35Correreto run
36Imparareto learn
37Ricordareto remember
38Aspettareto wait
39Giocareto play
40Diventareto become
41Studiareto study
42Cambiareto change
43Guardareto watch/look
44Passareto pass/spend time
45Sperareto hope
46Vivereto live
47Morireto die
48Credereto believe
49Rispondereto answer
50Spiegareto explain
51Usareto use
52Bisognareto need
53Piacereto like
54Pagareto pay
55Vincereto win
56Perdereto lose
57Comprareto buy
58Sorridereto smile
59Offrireto offer
60Scendereto descend/get off

Test Your Italian

Not sure what your Italian level is? I’ve created a free online Italian test to help you determine it.

Serena Capilli

I’m the creative force behind both this blog and my collection of short stories in simple Italian for language learners, available on Amazon.

Ciao👋! I’m Serena.

Teaching Italian is my vocation! I’ve been writing this blog since 2015 and publishing easy readers for language learners since 2022. I specialize in teaching adults.

My latest book releases 📖

Le Avventure di Paul a Roma

Gioielli, Caffè e Firenze

Test Your Italian

Not sure what your Italian level is?
I’ve created a free online Italian test to help you determine it.