Verbs are the core of every language because they carry the meaning or action. Conjugating verbs is the cornerstone of speaking any language. But how many verbs are there in Italian? Thousands? And how many do you actually use on a daily basis? Just a few of them.
Before moving on to compiling your list of verbs you’ll actually use, make sure you memorize the most common ones and, most importantly, their conjugations.
My approach in my language class isn’t to teach as many verbs and words as possible but rather to focus on those that you’re most likely to use.
# | Verb | English Translation |
1 | Essere | to be |
2 | Avere | to have |
3 | Fare | to do/make |
4 | Dire | to say |
5 | Potere | to be able to/can |
6 | Dovere | to have to/must |
7 | Volere | to want |
8 | Sapere | to know |
9 | Stare | to stay/be |
10 | Andare | to go |
11 | Venire | to come |
12 | Vedere | to see |
13 | Dare | to give |
14 | Prendere | to take |
15 | Mettere | to put/place |
16 | Parlare | to speak |
17 | Trovare | to find |
18 | Lasciare | to leave/let |
19 | Sentire | to hear/feel |
20 | Pensare | to think |
21 | Chiedere | to ask |
22 | Uscire | to go out |
23 | Lavorare | to work |
24 | Entrare | to enter |
25 | Rimanere | to remain/stay |
26 | Aprire | to open |
27 | Chiudere | to close |
28 | Portare | to bring/carry |
29 | Mangiare | to eat |
30 | Bere | to drink |
31 | Scrivere | to write |
32 | Leggere | to read |
33 | Dormire | to sleep |
34 | Capire | to understand |
35 | Correre | to run |
36 | Imparare | to learn |
37 | Ricordare | to remember |
38 | Aspettare | to wait |
39 | Giocare | to play |
40 | Diventare | to become |
41 | Studiare | to study |
42 | Cambiare | to change |
43 | Guardare | to watch/look |
44 | Passare | to pass/spend time |
45 | Sperare | to hope |
46 | Vivere | to live |
47 | Morire | to die |
48 | Credere | to believe |
49 | Rispondere | to answer |
50 | Spiegare | to explain |
51 | Usare | to use |
52 | Bisognare | to need |
53 | Piacere | to like |
54 | Pagare | to pay |
55 | Vincere | to win |
56 | Perdere | to lose |
57 | Comprare | to buy |
58 | Sorridere | to smile |
59 | Offrire | to offer |
60 | Scendere | to descend/get off |