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Most Irregular Passato Prossimo Verbs

As you know, the passato prossimo is formed with an auxiliary verb (essere or avere) + the past participle of the main verb. But some verbs, our “rebels,” have irregular past participles that we simply need to memorize.

Common Irregular Passato Prossimo Forms

The good news is that most irregular past participles in Italian are also irregular in English. For example:

  • Fare → Fatto (to do → done)
  • Scrivere → Scritto (to write → written)
  • Leggere → Letto (to read → read)
  • Vedere → Visto (to see → seen)
  • Dire → Detto (to say → said)

This is a comprehensive list of the most common irregular passato prossimo forms in Italian:

Verb (Infinitive)Past ParticipleEnglish Meaning
ESSERESTATOto be → been
AVEREAVUTOto have → had
FAREFATTOto do/make → did/ done/made
DIREDETTOto say/tell → said/told
VEDEREVISTOto see → saw / seen
SCRIVERESCRITTOto write → wrote / written
LEGGERELETTOto read → read
METTEREMESSOto put → put
PRENDEREPRESOto take → took / taken
APRIREAPERTOto open → opened
CHIUDERECHIUSOto close → closed
CHIEDERECHIETOto ask → asked
RISOLVERERISOLTOto resolve → resolved
VENIREVENUTOto come → come
VIVEREVISSUTOto live → lived
MORIREMORTOto die → died
RIDERERISOto laugh → laughed
RIMANERERIMASTOto remain → remained
SCENDERESCESOto go down/descend → descended
SPENDERESPESOto spend → spent
PERDEREPERSOto lose → lost
DECIDEREDECISOto decide → decided
OFFRIREOFFERTOto offer → offered
CORRERECORSOto run → ran / run
CONOSCERECONOSCIUTOto know/meet → known/met
PIANGEREPIANTOto cry → cried
NASCONDERENASCOSTOto hide → hid / hidden
PIACEREPIACIUTOto like → liked
RISPONDERERISPOSTOto answer → answered
TRADURRETRADOTTOto translate → translated
ACCENDEREACCESOto turn on → turned on
SPEGNERESPENTOto turn off → turned off
ROMPEREROTTOto break → broke / broken
SCEGLIERESCELTOto chose → chose / chosen
VINCEREVINTOto win → won
DISCUTEREDISCUSSOto discuss → discussed
PROMETTEREPROMESSOto promise → promised
CONVINCERECONVINTOto convince → convinced

Teacher’s Tip!
My advice is not to try memorizing all irregular verbs at once. Start with the most common ones, those you’ll use every day, and gradually expand your repertoire. Practice is key!

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Serena Capilli

I’m the creative force behind both this blog and my collection of short stories in simple Italian for language learners, available on Amazon.

Ciao👋! I’m Serena.

Teaching Italian is my vocation! I’ve been writing this blog since 2015 and publishing easy readers for language learners since 2022. I specialize in teaching adults.

My latest book releases 📖

Le Avventure di Paul a Roma

Gioielli, Caffè e Firenze

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