In Italian, the verbs essere and avere are certainly amongst the most popular ones. This is why they are widely used in many common Italian idiomatic expressions like the one following.
Bear in mind that a certain number of recurring expressions use the verb avere (to have) while English would use the verb essere (to be) and vice-versa. For instance, being hungry becomes having hunger in Italian.
The rule of thumb is to memorize the most common expressions, by making a list of the ones that use “avere” and the ones that use “essere”.
But first, let’s review the conjugation of ‘essere’ and ‘avere’ in the present tense.
Present Tense Conjugation of “Essere” (To Be):
Io | sono | I am |
Tu | sei | You are (singular informal) |
Lui/Lei | è | He/She is |
Noi | siamo | We are |
Voi | siete | You are (plural or formal) |
Loro | sono | They are |
Present Tense Conjugation of “Avere” (To Have):
Io | ho | I have |
Tu | hai | You have (singular informal) |
Lui/Lei | ha | He/She has |
Noi | abbiamo | We have |
Voi | avete | You have (plural or formal) |
Loro | hanno | They have |
Common expressions with ‘avere’
avere sonno | to be sleepy |
avere fame | to be hungry |
avere sete | to be thirsty |
avere freddo | to be cold |
avere caldo | to be hot |
avere 20 anni | to be 20 years old |
avere fretta | to be in a hurry |
avere ragione | to be right |
avere torto | to be wrong |
avere successo | to be successful |
avere fortuna | to be lucky |
avere paura di | to be afraid of |
avere mal di pancia | to have a stomach ache |
avere mal di testa | to have a headache |
avere mal di gola | to have a sore throat |
avere la febbre | to have a fever |

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essere in ritardo | to be late |
essere bravo | to be good at doing something |
essere buono | to be nice (food), to be good people |
essere sveglio | to be awake |
essere malato | to be sick |
essere ammalato | to be sick |
essere occupato | to be busy |
essere pronto | to be ready |
essere fidanzato | to be in a relationship |
essere sposato | to be married |
essere felice | to be happy |
essere triste | to be sad |
essere depresso | to be depressed |
essere contento | to be content |
essere innamorato | to be in love |