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‘I Can Do It!’ – How to Use ‘Farcela’ in Everyday Italian Conversations

What does “farcela” mean?

Are you learning Italian and confused by the verb “farcela”? Don’t worry – this common expression is simpler than it looks!

“Farcela” essentially means “to manage,” “to succeed,” or “to be able to do it.” It expresses the idea of overcoming a challenge or completing something difficult.

How to use “farcela”

This verb is actually a combination of three elements:

  • “fare” (to do/make)
  • “ce” (there/it)
  • “la” (it/that)

These types of verbs are known asย pronominal verbsย in Italian (like andarsene, prendersela, cavarsela, etc.). They combine a base verb with pronouns to create new meanings.

Conjugation in Present Tense

Ce la faccioI can do itI manage/succeed
Ce la faiYou can do itYou manage/succeed
Ce la faHe/She can do itHe/She manages/succeeds
Ce la facciamoWe can do itWe manage/succeed
Ce la fateYou all can do itYou all manage/succeed
Ce la fannoThey can do itThey manage/succeed

When conjugated, only the “fare” part changes:

Conjugation in Past Tense (Passato Prossimo)

Io (I)Ce l’ho fattaI made it / I succeededI managed to do it
Tu (You)Ce l’hai fattaYou made it / You succeededYou managed to do it
Lui/Lei (He/She)Ce l’ha fattaHe/She made it / He/She succeededHe/She managed to do it
Noi (We)Ce l’abbiamo fattaWe made it / We succeededWe managed to do it
Voi (You all)Ce l’avete fattaYou all made it / You all succeededYou all managed to do it
Loro (They)Ce l’hanno fattaThey made it / They succeededThey managed to do it

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Examples in Everyday Conversation

  1. Non ce la faccio a finire tutto il lavoro oggi
    (I can’t manage to finish all the work today)
  2. Ce la farai ad arrivare in tempo?
    (Will you manage to arrive on time?)
  3. Dai, ce la puoi fare!
    (Come on, you can do it!)
  4. Finalmente ce l’ho fatta!
    (Finally, I managed to do it!)

Common Expressions with “Farcela”

  • Non ce la faccio piรนย โ€“ย I can’t take it anymoreย /ย I can’t handle it anymore
  • Ce la possiamo fareย โ€“ย We can make it happenย /ย We can do it
  • Farcela per un peloย โ€“ย To just barely make itย /ย To scrape through
  • Non farcela proprioย โ€“ย To really not be able to manageย /ย To fail completely
  • Ce la faremo!ย โ€“ย We’ll make it!ย /ย Weโ€™ll succeed

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Serena Capilli

Iโ€™m the creative force behind both this blog and my collection of short stories in simple Italian for language learners, available on Amazon.

Ciao๐Ÿ‘‹!ย I’m Serena.

Teaching Italian is my vocation! Iโ€™ve been writing this blog since 2015 and publishing easy readers for language learners since 2022. I specialize in teaching adults.

My latest book releases ๐Ÿ“–

Le Avventure di Paul a Roma

Gioielli, Caffรจ e Firenze

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