There are two types of “-ire” verbs in Italian.
Some, like “dormire” (to sleep), are considered regular and follow the conjugation pattern seen in the first chart. Others, such as “capire” (to understand), are considered “irregular” and follow the conjugation pattern in the second chart.
Both types have the same endings. However, verbs like “capire” add “-isc-” in all forms except when using “noi” and “voi.” In the third chart, you will find a list of verbs that end in “ire.” This list is divided into two main groups: verbs that follow an irregular conjugation pattern and verbs that follow a regular conjugation pattern.
Present Tense of ‘dormire‘ (regular verb)
Io | dormo | I sleep or I’m sleeping |
Tu | dormi | You sleep (singular, informal) or you’re sleeping |
Lui/Lei | dorme | He/She sleeps or she/he’s sleeping |
Noi | dormiamo | We sleep or we’re sleeping |
Voi | dormite | You all sleep or you all are sleeping |
Loro | dormono | They sleep or they’re sleeping |

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Io | cap-ISC–o | I understand or I’m understanding |
Tu | cap-ISC-i | You understand or you’re understanding |
Lui/Lei | cap-ISC-e | He/she understands or he/she’s understanding |
Noi | capiamo | We understand or we’re understanding |
Voi | capite | You all understand or you’ll are understanding |
Loro | cap-ISC-ono | They understand or they’re understanding |
List of the most common ‘-IRE’ verbs in Italian
dormire | to sleep | regular verb |
preferire | to prefer | irregular verb |
coprire | to cover | regular verb |
restituire | to return something | irregular verb |
finire | to finish | irregular verb |
capire | to understand | irregular verb |
seguire | to follow | regular verb |
aprire | to open | regular verb |
dimagrire | to lose weight | irregular verb |
spedire | to ship | irregular verb |
scoprire | to find out | regular verb |
offrire | to offer | regular verb |
pulire | to clean | irregular verb |
partire | to leave for | regular verb |
sentire | to hear | regular verb |
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