On this page, you will find a list of sentences that will make your life easier when you’re at a restaurant in Italy.
Before going through the list, you might also want to know that it is customary to be seated or make a reservation, especially on weekends.
Types of Restaurants in Italy
There are mainly fou different types of restaurants, in Italy:
Ristorante: This is a place where you can expect full service, a touch of gourmet, a professional staff, and higher prices. It’s the place to experience more sophisticated food. The atmosphere should also be more sophisticated.
Trattoria: Less pricey and less formal than a restaurant, a trattoria is usually a family-owned business. It’s the place to enjoy traditional and comforting Italian food. The atmosphere is usually rustic.
Pizzeria: In Italy, a pizzeria works just like any other restaurant. You make a reservation for a table and then order from the menu. Often, antipasti are also served.
Rosticceria (mainly in the South of Italy): This is an informal takeaway place with few or no tables, where Italians love to buy ready-to-eat comfort fried food such as arancini, calzoni, mozzarelle in carrozza, and the likes.
Reserving a Table on the Phone
Volevo prenotare un tavolo per domani sera alle 19 | I’d like to book a table for tomorrow night at 7 pm. |
Volevo prenotare un tavolo per domani a mezzogiorno | I’d like to book a table for tomorrow at midday. |
Volevo prenotare un tavolo per domani alle 13 | I’d like to book a table for tomorrow at 1 pm. |
Volevo prenotare un tavolo il 27 aprile alle 20 | I’d like to book a table on April 27th at 8 pm. |
The person at the other end of the phone might also ask you:
Per quante persone? | For how many people? |
Mi lascia un recapito telefonico? | Can you leave me your phone number? |
Il suo nome per favore? | Your name, please? |
Phrases to Use at the a Restaurant in Italy
Posso avere il menù? | Can I have the menu? |
Posso vedere il menù? | Can I see the menu? |
Potrei avere la carta dei vini? | Could I have the wine list? |
Potrei avere il menù dei dolci? | Could I have the dessert menu? |
Avete un menù per bambini? | Do you have a children’s menu? |
Avete un menù del giorno? | Do you have a daily menu? |
Qual è il piatto del giorno? | What is the dish of the day? |
Sul menù c’è un ‘antipasto della casa’, che cos’è? | On the menu, I read ‘Antipasto della casa’, what is it? |
Phrases to Use when Ordering
Per me / Prendo / Vorrei… | I’ll have |
Per cominciare, prendo… | To start with, I’ll have |
Come antipasto, prendo… | As a starter, I’ll have |
Come primo, prendo… | As the first course, I’ll have |
Come secondo, prendo… | As the second course, I’ll have |
Una porzione di… | A portion of |
Un piatto di… | A dish of |
Una fetta di… | A slice of |
Un pezzo di… | A piece of |
How to Order Meat in Italian
If the waiter asks you “Come preferisce la cottura della carne,”? (How would you like your meat cooked?), you should answer like this:
- (carne) al sangue – rare meat
- (carne) poco cotta – medium rare
- (carne) ben cotta – well-done meat

Test Your Italian
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have some…(bread? A bottle of water? Some olive oil?) | |
Cosa mi consiglia? | What would you recommend me? |
Cosa ci consigliate? | What would you recommend us? |
Sono allergico (or allergica) | I am allergic… |
ai latticini | to dairy products |
al glutine | gluten |
Sono vegetariano | I am a vegetarian |
Sono vegano | I am a vegan |
Non mangio carne di maiale | I don’t eat pork |
Questions a Waiter Might Ask You
Siete pronti per ordinare? | Are you ready to order? |
Avete già prenotato? | Have you reserved a table? |
Posso portarvi da bere? | Can I get you something to drink? |
L’acqua gasata o naturale? | Is the water sparkling or still? |
Ha qualche allergia/intolleranza? | Do you have any allergies/intolerances? |
La pizza è bruciata | The pizza is burned |
L’insalata è scondita | The salad is undressed |
La zuppa è fredda | The soup is cold |
La pasta è fredda | The pasta is cold |
C’è ancora molto da aspettare? | Is there still a long wait for our food? |
Stiamo aspettando da troppo tempo | We have been waiting for too long |
Paying and Asking for the Bill
Il conto, per favore | The bill, please |
Paga in contanti o con carta? | Do you pay cash or by card? |
Pagate insieme o separatamente? | Do you pay all together or separately? |
Posso pagare con carta di credito? | Can I pay by credit card? |
Dividiamo il conto | Let’s split the bill |
Other thins you could hear at a restaurant
Posso offrirle un caffè o un amaro? | Would you like an espresso or a liquor on the house? |
Il pranzo / la cena è di vostro gradimento? | Did you like the meal? |
Tutto apposto? | Was everything alright? |
Vuole qualcos’altro? No grazie | Do you want anything else? No, thank you. |
Tipping Culture in Italy
When it comes to paying, unlike many other countries, a tip is not expected because it is included in the bill under the voice “coperto.” However, if the service was excellent, you can leave a tip to show your satisfaction.