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Most Common -ARE Verbs in Italian

The -are conjugation is the most common one in Italian.

As a beginner, a good practice to build up vocabulary in days is to make a list of the high-frequency verbs and words that Italians use every day.

When it comes to verbs, the most frequent ones are from the first group (the ‘are‘ group).

If you don’t know what a verb is and how to conjugate it in the present form (the most common verb tense in Italian, check out this post).

Verbs ending in -are have only four irregular verbs (fare, dare, stare, andare and their derivatives). Remember, the irregular verbs are those which don’t follow the regular conjugation pattern. 

Here is a list of the top common verbs in -ARE:
  1. Andare – to go (irregular verb)
  2. Dare – to give (irregular verb)
  3. Stare – to stay (irregular verb)
  4. Fare – to do, to make (irregular verb)
  5. Mangiare – to eat
  6. Parlare – to speak
  7. Arrivare – to arrive
  8. Amare – to love
  9. Trovare – to find
  10. Lavorare – to work 
  11. Giocare – to play
  12. Iniziare – to start
  13. Cominciare – to start
  14. Comprare – to buy
  15. Studiare – to study
  16. Guardare – to watch
  17. Ascoltare – to listen
  18. Camminare – to walk
  19. Pensare – to think 
  20. Tornare – to return
  21. Abitare – to live, to reside
  22. Cercare – to seek, to look for
  23. Telefonare – to call
  24. Chiamare – to call
  25. Passare – to spend time
  26. Lasciare – to leave
  27. Cantare  – to sing
  28. Lavare – to wash
  29. Incontrare – to meet
  30. Dimenticare – to forget
  31. Ricordare – to remember 
  32. Preparare – to prepare
  33. Aiutare – to help
  34. Viaggiare – to travel
  35. Guidare – to drive
  36. Mandare – to send
  37. Visitare – to visit
  38. Usare – to use
  39. Cucinare – to cook
  40. Spiegare – to explain
  41. Continuare – to continue
  42. Cenare – to eat dinner
  43. Pranzare – to eat lunch
  44. Accettare – to accept
  45. Imparare – to learn
  46. Insegnare – to teach
  47. Fumare – to smoke 
  48. Regalare – to give as gift 
  49. Litigare – to argue                                       

How To Conjugate ‘-are’ Verbs with the Present Tense 

All the verbs in this list (except for the first four) are regular verbs, which means they follow the regular conjugation pattern in the present tense and all other verb forms. By memorizing the verb endings of one verb, you can apply the same pattern to all the remaining -are verbs. 

Presente Tense of the Verb parlare (regular verb) 

Io parl-o 

tu parl-i

lui parl-a

noi parl-iamo

voi parl-ate 

loro parl-ano


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Serena Capilli

I’m the creative force behind both this blog and my collection of short stories in simple Italian for language learners, available on Amazon.

Ciao👋! I’m Serena.

Teaching Italian is my vocation! I’ve been writing this blog since 2015 and publishing easy readers for language learners since 2022. I specialize in teaching adults.

My latest book releases 📖

Le Avventure di Paul a Roma

Gioielli, Caffè e Firenze

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