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ToggleThe 49 Most Common -ARE Verbs in Italian
The -are conjugation is the most common one in Italian.
As a beginner, a good practice to build up vocabulary in days is to make a list of the high-frequency verbs and words that Italians use every day.
When it comes to verbs, the most frequent ones are from the first group (the ‘are‘ group).
If you don’t know what a verb is and how to conjugate it in the present form (the most common verb tense in Italian, check out this post).
Verbs ending in -are have only four irregular verbs (fare, dare, stare, andare and their derivatives). Remember, the irregular verbs are those which don’t follow the regular conjugation pattern.Â
Here is a list of the top common verbs in -ARE:
- Andare – to go (irregular verb)
- Dare – to give (irregular verb)
- Stare – to stay (irregular verb)
- Fare – to do, to make (irregular verb)
- Mangiare – to eat
- Parlare – to speak
- Arrivare – to arrive
- Amare – to love
- Trovare – to find
- Lavorare – to workÂ
- Giocare – to play
- Iniziare – to start
- Cominciare – to start
- Comprare – to buy
- Studiare – to study
- Guardare – to watch
- Ascoltare – to listen
- Camminare – to walk
- Pensare – to thinkÂ
- Tornare – to return
- Abitare – to live, to reside
- Cercare – to seek, to look for
- Telefonare – to call
- Chiamare – to call
- Passare – to spend time
- Lasciare – to leave
- Cantare  – to sing
- Lavare – to wash
- Incontrare – to meet
- Dimenticare – to forget
- Ricordare – to rememberÂ
- Preparare – to prepare
- Aiutare – to help
- Viaggiare – to travel
- Guidare – to drive
- Mandare – to send
- Visitare – to visit
- Usare – to use
- Cucinare – to cook
- Spiegare – to explain
- Continuare – to continue
- Cenare – to eat dinner
- Pranzare – to eat lunch
- Accettare – to accept
- Imparare – to learn
- Insegnare – to teach
- Fumare – to smokeÂ
- Regalare – to give as giftÂ
- Litigare – to argue                    Â
How To Conjugate ‘-are’ Verbs with the Present TenseÂ
All the verbs in this list (except for the first four) are regular verbs, which means they follow the regular conjugation pattern in the present tense and all other verb forms. By memorizing the verb endings of one verb, you can apply the same pattern to all the remaining -are verbs.Â
Presente Tense of the Verb parlare (regular verb)Â
Io parl-oÂ
tu parl-i
lui parl-a
noi parl-iamo
voi parl-ateÂ
loro parl-ano