In Italian, there are two verbs that have just one equivalent in English: stare and essere. They are not interchangeable, though.
The good news is that in 95% of the cases, the verb to use is essere. So, when in doubt, use essere! However, there are cases where use stare is expected and mandatory.
In this article, I clarify when to use essere and especially when it is necessary to use stare.
Essere also indicates the state of being and is used to:
Describe Locations:
Roma è una bella città.
Rome is a beautiful city.
Describing the location of Rome
Describe Objects:
La mia casa è grande e luminosa.
My house is large and bright.
Describing the characteristics of one’s house
Locate Objects:
Dove è la mia borsa? E’ sulla sedia.
Where is my bag? It’s on the chair.
Inquiring about the location of an object (bag) and providing the location (on the chair)
Essere is also widely used in combination with “ci” in the verb esserci (c’è/ci sono, in English, there is/there are). Esserci states the existence of someone or something.
C’è un bambino nuovo a scuola.
There is a new kid in the school.
Describing the presence of a new student in the school
Ci sono quattro sedie in cucina.
There are four chairs in the kitchen.
Indicating the number of chairs in the kitchen
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Stare has a variety of uses, some of which are idiomatic expressions. We can generally say that stare indicates location, health, and appearances. It is also used in a good number of idiomatic expressions and with the present continuous tense.
In this case, stare means rimanere (to remain or to stay in English).
Oggi sto a casa
Today I’m staying home
Come stai?
How’re you?
Sto bene
I’m good
Sto male
I’m not good
Sto meglio
I’m better
Stare bene and stare male mean that something (e.g. a piece of clothing) looks great on you or not. In English you would say “it suits me/you, etc”.
Questa giacca mi sta benissimo
This jacket looks great on me!
Describing how something suits someone
Quel cappello ti sta male
That hat does not suit you
Describing how something doesn’t suit someone
Stare means to be in a variety of idiomatic expressions, as in the following examples:
Stare in piedi
To be standing/To stand
Stare seduto
To be seated
Stare zitto/a
To be quiet
Stare attento
To pay attention
Stare calmo
To stay calm
Stare a cuore
To have at heart
Stare con
To be in a relationship with someone
Stare vs. Essere
In some of the above expressions, stare and essere are interchangeable. There is a subtle difference between them, though. Essere states a quality or a statement, while stare implies a voluntariness in the action described.
sono in piedi
I stand
Describing the state of standing
sto in piedi
I voluntarily stand
Emphasizing the voluntary nature of standing
sono seduto
I’m seated
Describing the state of being seated
sto seduto
I’m voluntarily seated
Emphasizing the voluntary nature of being seated
sei calmo
You are calm
Describing the quality of being calm
stai calmo!
Please, try to stay calm
Encouraging someone to remain calm voluntarily
The Present Continuous with STARE
The present continuous describes an action that is happening at the moment that you speak, right now. The present continuous in Italian is expressed by the present tense of the verb stare plus the gerund.
Sto cucinando
I am cooking
Describing the ongoing action of cooking
Sto parlando al telefono con Maria
I am on the phone with Maria
Describing the ongoing action of talking on the phone with Maria
Stare + Per + Infinitive
When stare appears in combination with per and an infinitive, it describes an action that will happen in the near future.
Italian Sentence
English Translation
La lezione sta per finire
The lesson is about to finish
Indicating that the lesson is reaching its end
Sto per uscire
I am leaving at any moment
Expressing the imminent action of leaving
Serena Capilli
I’m the creative force behind both this blog and my collection of short stories in simple Italian for language learners, available on Amazon.
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Ciao👋! I’m Serena.
Teaching Italian is my vocation! I’ve been writing this blog since 2015 and publishing easy readers for language learners since 2022. I specialize in teaching adults.