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The Verb ‘Uscire’ in Italian 

The verb ‘uscire‘ is irregular.

Irregular verbs are those that change their stem as we conjugate them. That’s why, in the first person singular, we don’t say “usco,” but “esco“.

How to Conjugate ‘uscire’ in the present tense:

uscire conjugation (present tense)

Meanings of uscire

The verb uscire has a number of possible translations in English. The most common one are:

  • to go out: Voglio uscire stasera (I want to go out tonight.)
  • to exit: Puoi uscire dalla stanza? (Can you exit the room?)
  • to leave: Dobbiamo uscire di casa alle 8 per andare in aeroporto  (We need to leave home at 8 to go to the airport).

Uscire di or uscire da?

Uscire is always followed by the prepositions di or da, depending on the context in which it is used. When followed by “di,” it generally indicates the place or location from which someone is exiting. For example:

  • Uscire di casa (to leave the house)
  • Uscire di scuola (to leave school)

On the other hand, when followed by “da,” it usually signifies the place someone is leaving to go somewhere else. For instance:

  • Uscire dall’ufficio (to leave the office)
  • Uscire dal ristorante (to leave the restaurant)

There’s not a really clear rule, and the best way is to memorize the most recurring uses of ‘uscire da ‘or ‘uscire di‘ as idioms.

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Italian vs. English: The Difference Between ‘Uscire’ and ‘Partire’

Two verbs that are often confused are ‘uscire’ and ‘partire’ because they both translate to ‘to leave.’ However, they are not interchangeable. 

The key difference is in the perspective. ‘Uscire’ implies a short journey and is used  We use ‘uscire’ when we are leaving from a place, generally a closed space like a shop, your home, your office, or your classroom.

you should use ‘uscire’ if you’re leaving your home for work and plan to return later.


  • Esco di casa (I’m leaving home).

Partire‘ implies a long journey. You use ‘partire’ if you’re leaving your home for an extended period, such as going on vacation.


  • Partiamo domani (We are leaving tomorrow). 

Partire is also used with the meaning of “departing” for transportation, such as trains, planes, or buses. When talking about scheduled departures or travel plans, you can use “partire” in sentences like:

  • Il treno parte alle 10 di mattina (The train leaves/departs at 10 in the morning.
  • A che ora parte il tuo volo? (What time does your flight leave/depart?

Idiomatic uses of uscire

  • Uscire a bere qualcosa – to go out for drinks
  • Uscire con qualcuno – to date or to go out with someone 
  • Uscire a cena fuori – to go out for dinner 

More conjugations of uscire

TenseSingular FormsPlural Forms
Passato Prossimoio sono uscito/a, tu sei uscito/a, lui/lei è uscito/anoi siamo usciti/e, voi siete usciti/e, loro sono usciti/e
Imperfettoio uscivo, tu uscivi, lui/lei uscivanoi uscivamo, voi uscivate, loro uscivano
Futuroio uscirò, tu uscirai, lui/lei uscirànoi usciremo, voi uscirete, loro usciranno
Condizionaleio uscirei, tu usciresti, lui/lei uscirebbenoi usciremmo, voi uscireste, loro uscirebbero
Congiuntivo Presenteche io esca, che tu esca, che lui/lei escache noi usciamo, che voi usciate, che loro escano
Imperativo Informaleesci! / non uscire!uscite! / non uscite!

Serena Capilli

I’m the creative force behind both this blog and my collection of short stories in simple Italian for language learners, available on Amazon.

Ciao👋! I’m Serena.

Teaching Italian is my vocation! I’ve been writing this blog since 2015 and publishing easy readers for language learners since 2022. I specialize in teaching adults.

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Le Avventure di Paul a Roma

Gioielli, Caffè e Firenze

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