46 Italian phrases related to Yoga

If you like yoga and you are learning Italian, this list will come in handy when traveling to Italy. Joining a local yoga group or a yoga retreat in Italy is a beautiful experience to practice your Italian in a real-life situation while practicing one of your favorite activity.

The list covers some of the most common Italian words and sentences you would be likely to hear while practicing yoga in Italy. Below the list, you can find a PDF download of the phrases and the Quizlet flashcards and games I created to help you to memorize the phrases. I hope you will enjoy it!

If you need some tips and tricks to study Italian vocabulary, feel free to consult my article about 8 strategies to build up Italian Vocabulary fast and well.

Happy Italian learning!

Corso di yogaYoga course
Lezione di yogaYoga class
Stare sedutoTo stay sit
Stare in piedi To stand
InspirareTo inhale
EspirareTo exhale
Istruttore di yogaYoga teacher (male)
Istruttrice di yogaYoga teacher (female)
Il tappetinoThe mat
Il bloccoThe block
Respirare profondamente Deep breathing  
Fare yoga all’apertoTo practise yoga outdoors
Sollevare le gambeTo lift the legs up
Sdraiarsi sulla schienaTo lay on the back
Stirare le gambeTo stretch the legs
Allungare il colloTo keep the neck long
Mantenere la colonna drittaTo keep the spine straight
Portare le braccia in altoTo raise the arms overhead
Appoggiare la testa sul tappetinoTo lay the head on the mat
Allungare la colonna To lengthen the spine
Consapevolezza del corpoBody awareness
Consapevolezza della mente Mind awareness
Staccare la spinaTo disconnect
Il mondo interioreThe inner world
Respirare attraverso le nariciTo breathe through the nose
Espandere il torace To open up the chest
Rilassare i muscoli To relax the muscles
Piegare i ginocchiTo bend the knees
I palmi delle mani in suThe palms of the hands up
Incrociare le gambe To cross the legs
Guardare in su To look up
Fare il ponteTo do the bridge pose
La postura The posture

Yoga Poses – Posture dello Yoga
Pozioni yoga Yoga poses
Posizione del cobraCobra pose
Posizione del bambino Child pose
Posizione del lotoLotus pose
Posizione dell’albero Tree pose
Posizione delle montagnaMountain pose
Posizione del cane a testa in giù Downward-facing dog pose
Posizione della candelaCandle pose
Posizione della locusta Locust pose
Posizione della muccaCow pose
Posizione della gru Crane pose
Posizione del piccione Pigeon pose
Posizione del guerriero
Warrior pose

Serena Capilli

I’m the creative force behind both this blog and my collection of short stories in simple Italian for language learners, available on Amazon.

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Ciao, I’m Serena! I’m the creative force behind both this blog and my collection of short stories in simple Italian for language learners, available on Amazon.

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