If you want to compliment someone on their achievements, you can say:
- (Che) Bravo! – Good job!
- Bravissimo! – Excellent job!
If you want to compliment somebody in the specific circumstances of a wedding or graduation or a promotion at work, you can easily say:
- Congratulazioni! – Congratulations!
- Complimenti! – Congratulations!
and you could add depending on the context:
- Congratulazioni te lo sei meritato! – Congratulations you deserved it!
Complimenti per il traguardo! – Congratulations for the achievement!
If you want to make a physical appreciation, you can use the formula:
Che + adjective + noun
- Che bravo studente! Good student!
- Che begli occhi! What a nice eyes!
- Che bel bambino! What a beautiful kid!
If you want to make any kind appreciation, you can use the formula:
Come + verb
- Come sei bella oggi! How beautiful you are today!
- Come sei stato bravo oggi! How good you were today!
- Come parli bene italiano! You speak Italian really well!
- Come guidi bene! You drive really well