The verb incontrare (to meet) can be used with the auxiliary avere: ho incontrato and with the auxiliary essere in its reflexive form: ci siamo incontrati.
One of the most recurring questions I get in my private classes is whether there’s any difference between incontrare and incontrarsi.
And the answer is yes, although in some cases they can be used interchangeably.
Incontrare (non-reflexive verb): It means “to meet” someone. You use it when one person meets someone else (a direct object).
- Ho incontrato Maria al supermercato. (I met Maria at the supermarket.)
- Abbiamo incontrato Luigi mentre camminavamo al parco. (We met Luigi while walking in the park.)

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Incontrarsi (reflexive verb): It means “to meet each other,” so it’s only conjugated with noi, voi, or loro, and it’s NOT followed by a direct object. (This is the most important difference from incontrare.)
- Io e Maria ci incontriamo spesso al bar. (Maria and I often meet at the café.)
- Io e Maria ci siamo incontrate in centro per fare shopping. (Maria and I met in the center to go shopping.
In short:
Incontrare (to meet someone) means to meet someone in either a planned or unplanned way. It involves the use of a direct object (so you should mention who you’re meeting).
Example: Serena ha incontrato Sara. (Serena met Sara.)
Incontrarsi (to meet each other) means to meet someone, typically in a planned way, though it can sometimes be unplanned. It is used only with noi, voi, or loro.
Example: Si sono incontrate al bar. (They met each other at the café.)