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When Italian Adjectives Come Before a Noun In Italian

One of the most important differences between English and Italian is the position of the adjective. 

An adjective is a part of a sentence that is describing a person or a thing, like beautiful, small, big, smart, new, old, etc…

In English the adjective always precedes a noun! In fact you say…

  • blond hair 
  • blue sky 
  • soft pillow
  • dark chocolate

 Unlike in English, In Italian, the adjectives generally follow the noun. In fact we say..

  • i capelli biondi 
  • il cielo blu
  • il cuscino soffice
  • il cioccolato nero

In Italian, the general rule says that adjectives cannot be placed in any order before a noun.  If you said il blu cielo, native speakers would be so perplexed that they wouldn’t be able to understand you. 

However, this rule in a short number of cases doesn’t apply. 

The adjective usually comes after the noun, but its position can vary depending on what we’re trying to say, i.e., whether we want the sentence to be more objective, neutral, or subjective.

We can limit this “exception” to a number of adjectives though. 

In Italian, there’s a number of “flexible” adjectives that can be used not just after a noun, but also before. This is a small list, and the vast majority of adjectives in Italian will follow the general rule of going after a noun. 

What makes this list special, is that the meaning of these adjectives varies depending on whether they’re placed before or after the noun.

Let’s take a closer look at this

When the adjective comes after the noun denotes the literal/objective meaning of the adjective.

  • In the sentence  “Il mio amico VECCHIO” my friend is old, aged. Vecchio is used in its literal and objective meaning. 

But, when the same adjective comes BEFORE a noun denotes a figurative/subjective meaning of the adjective.

  • In the sentence  “Il mio VECCHIO amico” my friend is not old, but what I mean is that I’ve known him for a long time. 

Let’s see this trend in other examples:

Adjective BEFORE the noun (figurative / subjective meaning) 

il mio povero amicomy friend having a good time, I express sympathy for him.
un buon medicoa doctor who is good at his job
una nuova macchinaanother car (an extra car)
un alto funzionarioa very important official
diversi amiciseveral friends
un grande politicoa great politician

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Adjectives AFTER the noun (literal / objecetive meaning)

il mio amico poveromy friend who doesn’t have money
un medico buonoa doctor who is good-hearted
una macchina nuovaa car which is new
un funzionario altoan official who is tall
amici diversifriends who are very different from each other
un politico grandea politician who is actually big

Serena Capilli

I’m the creative force behind both this blog and my collection of short stories in simple Italian for language learners, available on Amazon.

Ciao👋! I’m Serena.

Teaching Italian is my vocation! I’ve been writing this blog since 2015 and publishing easy readers for language learners since 2022. I specialize in teaching adults.

My latest book releases 📖

Le Avventure di Paul a Roma

Gioielli, Caffè e Firenze

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