Italian Present Progressive 

What’s the Italian present progressive?

The present progressive tense in Italian is used to describe actions occurring at the moment of speaking. For instance, “sto andando a lavoro” translates to “I am going to work” and indicates the action is happening as you speak.

Conjugating the present progressive is pretty straightforward.

All it takes is using the present tense of the verb “stare” followed by the gerund form of the main verb.

present tense of STARE  + gerund* forms 
conjugation of present progressive in Italian

To form the gerund* in Italian, follow this pattern:

  • Verbs ending in “-are” change to “-ando” (e.g., “andando” for “andare”).
  • Verbs ending in “-ere” and “-ire” change to “-endo” (e.g., “scrivendo” for “scrivere”, “dormendo” for “dormire”).

Present Progressive: The Conjugation

To form the present progressive in Italian, follow this pattern:

present tense of “STARE”Gerundio
io sto
tu stai
lui, lei sta
noi stiamo
voi state
loro stanno
and-ando (going)
scriv-endo (writing)
dorm-endo (sleeping)
Italian present progressive

There are very few irregular gerund forms in Italian to be aware of, and they are:

InfinitiveIrregular Gerund FormExample
farefacendoCosa stai facendo? (What are you doing?)
diredicendoCosa stai dicendo? (What are you saying?)
berebevendoCosa stai bevendo? (What are you drinking?)
Irregular Gerund Forms in Italian

Present Progressive vs. Simple Present 


A common mistake for English speakers is to use the present progressive to express general truths or habitual actions, which in Italian are usually conveyed with the simple present tense.

present simpleParlo italiano I speak Italian or I’m speaking Italian as general truth or habitual action 
present progressive Sto parlando italiano I’m speaking italian RIGHT NOW
present simple vs. present progressive

Exercise  1

Translate the following forms into Italian.

  1. I’m finishing (right now) → sto finendo 
  2. You’re sleeping (right now) → _____________________________
  3. She’s writing (right now)  → _____________________________
  4. You all reading (right now) → _____________________________
  5. They’re buying (right now) → _____________________________
  6. I’m visiting (right now) → _____________________________
  7. We’re cooking (right now) → _____________________________
  8. He’s listening (right now) → _____________________________
  9. I’m dreaming (right now) → _____________________________
  10.  You all are drinking (right now) → _____________________________
  11. Are you telling?  (right now) → _____________________________

Exercise  2

Form the gerund from the following verbs.


Serena Capilli

I’m the creative force behind both this blog and my collection of short stories in simple Italian for language learners, available on Amazon.

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Ciao, I’m Serena! I’m the creative force behind both this blog and my collection of short stories in simple Italian for language learners, available on Amazon.

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