What is passato prossimo in Italian?
Passato prossimo is the main past tense in Italian and is used to express actions and events that occurred in the past.
Usually, it appears together with time expressions such as
- ieri – yesterday
- stamattina – this morning
- ieri sera – last night
- venerdì scorso – last Friday
- l’anno scorso – last year
- un anno fa – a year ago
- un’ora fa – one hour ago
- due settimane fa – two weeks ago
- ultimamente – lately
- recentemente – recently
Italian vs. English
The Italian passato prossimo corresponds to the English simple past and present perfect, and so we can say that it has two possible translations, as in the examples.
Subject | Verb | English Translation (Simple Past) | English Translation (Present Perfect) |
I | ho viaggiato | I traveled | I have traveled |
He | ha dormito | He slept | He has slept |
They | hanno studiato | They studied | They have studied |
I (male) | sono andato | I went | I have gone |
We | siamo stati | We were | We have been |
How to Conjugate Verbs in the Passato Prossimo
As you can see from the above phrases, the passato prossimo is made up of two entities: an auxiliary or helping verb and a past participle.
For example,
HO PARLATO → I spoke, I’ve spoken
The first part, “ho“, is called an auxiliary. The second part, “parlato” is called a past participle. The passato prossimo is always made up of these two entities.
What’s the auxiliary and the past participle?
The auxiliary is the present tense conjugation of avere or essere.
The past participle is the second part of the verb, and it’s formed by dropping the infinitive ending (-are, -ere, -ire) and by adding the suffixes -ato, -uto, and -ito to the stem of the verb.
Examples of regular past participles:
- parlare becomes parl-ato
- avere becomes av-uto
- finire becomes finit-ito
And so,
- Ho parlato means both I spoke and I’ve spoken
- Ho avuto means both I had or I’ve had
- Ho finito means both I finished or I’ve finished
Passato Prossimo with ‘Avere‘
Io | Ho parlato* | Ho avuto* | Ho finito* |
Tu | Hai parlato | Hai avuto | Hai finito |
Lui / Lei | Ha parlato | Ha avuto | Ha finito |
Noi | Abbiamo parlato | Abbiamo avuto | Abbiamo finito |
Voi | Avete parlato | Avete avuto | Avete finito |
Loro | Hanno parlato | Hanno avuto | Hanno finito |
English Translaiton | *I spoke or I’ve spoken | *I had or I’ve had | *I finished or I’ve finished |

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The choice of the right auxiliary: essere or avere?
The passato prossimo is a super easy tense, but there is something that confuses most students: what auxiliary to choose between essere and avere.
The rule says that transitive verbs use the auxiliary avere and intransitive verbs use the essere auxiliary. However, since the notion of transitive and intransitive is sometimes unclear, I prefer to teach that 97% of Italian verbs default to the avere auxiliary when conjugated in the passato prossimo.
And then, there’s a number (luckily not too large) of verbs using essere as an auxiliary. The most common ones are andare (to go), arrivare (to arrive), tornare (to return), essere (to be), stare (to stay), entrare (to enter), uscire (to go out, to leave), partire (to leave for), diventare (to become), salire (to go up), scendere (to go down), nascere (to be born).
How to conjugate ‘essere verbs‘
When avere is used as an auxiliary, the past participle of the verb stays the same, so it doesn’t agree with the gender and number of the subject. However, when essere is used as an auxiliary, the past participle must agree with the gender and number of the subject. It means that the past participle works as an adjective and can have four different endings, including -o, -a, i, and -e.
“O” and “A” are used for the io, tu, lui/lei forms. “O” stands for masculine singular, and “A” stands for feminine singular.
“I” and “E” are used for the noi, voi and loro forms. “I” stands for the masculine plural. “E” for the feminine plural.
If you’re having trouble with this, memorize the pattern of the verbs essere and andare (two of the most commonly used Italian verbs) and apply it to the other verbs on the list above.
Passato Prossimo with “Essere” (To Be):
Io (I) | Sono stato/a | I have been or I was |
Tu (You) | Sei stato/a | You have been or You were |
Lui/Lei (He/She) | È stato/a | He/She has been or He/She was |
Noi (We) | Siamo stati/e | We have been or We were |
Voi (You all) | Siete stati/e | You all have been or You all were |
Loro (They) | Sono stati/e | They have been or They where |
Passato Prossimo with “Andare” (To Go):
Io (I) | Sono andato/a | I have gone or I went |
Tu (You) | Sei andato/a | You have gone or You went |
Lui/Lei (He/She) | È andato/a | He/She has gone or He/She went |
Noi (We) | Siamo andati/e | We have gone or We went |
Voi (You all) | Siete andati/e | You all have gone or You all went |
Loro (They) | Sono andati/e | They have gone or They went |
Note that in Italian, the choice of whether to use “essere” or “avere” (the auxiliary verbs) in the passato prossimo depends on the verb being used and whether it is considered a “transitive” or “intransitive” verb. “Essere” is typically used with intransitive verbs and verbs of motion, while “avere” is used with most other verbs. “Andare” is one of the verbs that uses “essere.”
Most Common Italian Verbs using ‘essere’ as the auxiliary
nascere | to be born |
diventare | to become |
morire | to die |
stare | to stay |
rimanere | to remain |
restare | to stay |
essere | to be |
scendere | to go down |
andare | to go |
partire | to leave |
uscire | to go out |
venire | to come |
entrare | to enter |
ritornare | to return |
arrivare | to arrive |
If you want to learn more the verbs which use ‘essere’ with the passato prossimo, check out this article (the passato prossimo with ‘essere’).
Irregular Forms
Some verbs, just like in English, have an irregular past participle (the second entity). It means that the past participle has its own structure and is not conjugated in the regular forms. It may be helpful to remember that in Italian, the same verbs with an irregular past participle (past) in English also have an irregular conjugation.
Common Italian Irregular Verbs with Passato Prossimo
fare | ho fatto |
dire | ho detto |
leggere | ho letto |
scrivere | ho scritto |
prendere | ho preso |
spendere | ho speso |
chiudere | ho chiuso |
mettere | ho messo |
succedere | è successo |
discutere | ho discusso |
accendere | ho accesso |
spegnere | ho spento |
vincere | ho vinto |
piangere | ho pianto |
scegliere | ho scelto |
rimanere | sono rimasto |
chiedere | ho chiesto |
rispondere | ho risposto |
vedere | ho visto |
When to use Imperfetto vs. Passato Prossimo?
If you are a beginner you should skip this topic for now. If you already know the Italian imperfect tense, you can have a look at this article to clarify any doubts.