Qualsiasi (Any)
Qualsiasi is one of those words that can often lead to confusion. In this article you will learn how to use it properly when speaking Italian.
Qualsiasi is an indefinite adjective, and it is invariable: it means that it is not modifiable, in fact qualsiasi never changes in Italian.
The meaning of qualsiasi is “any”, meaning no matter which amongst many options and is always followed by singular nouns.
- Quale di questi dolci vuoi? Qualsiasi! – Which pastries would you like? Any!
- Quale tipo di pasta vuoi? Dammene uno qualsiasi – What shape pasta would you like? Any!
- Puoi chiamarmi a qualsiasi ora – You can call me any time.
- Puoi passare a trovarmi in qualsiasi momento – You can visit me at any time.
Qualsiasi (Whichever/Whatever)
Qualsiasi can also be used as a conjugation, meaning whichever or whatever, and in these cases requires the subjunctive use (see further explanations below).
Always, “qualsiasi” can be replaced by “qualunque”. These two adjectives are synonyms and entirely interchangeable.
Other meaning of qualsiasi/qualunque
Note that when following a noun, qualsiasi and qualunque have a different meaning:
- Oggi non è un giorgio qualsiasi (o qualunque). E’ il mio anniversario di matrimonio! – Today is not just any old day. It is my anniversary!
- Non voglio un vino qualunque – I don’t want just any old wine!
In the above sentences, qualsiasi (or qualunque) havee the meaning of “ordinary” and has a pejorative nuance.
Chiunque (Anyone /Whoever)
Chiunque (anyone, or whoever) is the corresponding pronoun of the indefinite adjectives qualsiasi and qualunque. Chiunque is a pronoun and refers only to people. It means “anyone“, meaning no matter who amongst several people.
- Chiunque può imparare l’italiano – Anyone can learn Italian.
- Chiunque può partecipare a questo progetto – Anyone can join the project.
QUALSIASI and CHIUNQUE with the subjunctive
When qualsiasi is used with the meaning of whichever / whatever and chiunque means whoever the subjunctive follows them.
- Qualsiasi cosa ti chieda, fallo – Whatever he asks you, do it.
- Qualsiasi cosa succeda, stai tranquilla – Whatever happens, be calm.
- Chiunque chiami al telefono, digli che non ci sono – Whoever phones, tell them I am not here.