Most Common -ERE Verbs in Italian

Present Tense of ‘scrivere‘ (regular verb) 

IoscrivoI write or I’m writing
TuscriviYou write you’re writing
Lui/LeiscriveHe/she writes or he/she is writing
NoiscriviamoWe write or we are writing
VoiscriveteYou all write or you’re all writing
LoroscrivonoThey write or they are writing
conjugation of “ere verbs” with the present tense (2nd group verb)

As a beginner, a good practice to build up your vocabulary fast in Italian is to make a list of the high-frequency verbs and words that Italians use every day.

Smart tip. Memorizing the conjugation pattern of the Italian present tense for ‘ere’ verbs, along with the following list of high-frequency Italian verbs, will help you construct and understand many different Italian sentences from the very beginning of your Italian learning journey.

List of the most common ‘-ERE’ verbs in Italian

leggereto read
scrivereto write
vedereto see
mettereto put
credereto believe
conoscereto know
chiudereto close
prendereto take
rispondereto answer
vendereto sell
perdereto lose
correreto run
rompereto break
spendereto spend (money)
risolvereto solve
chiedereto ask
ricevereto receive
accendereto turn off
spegnereto turn down
ripetereto repeat
vivereto live
most common “ere” verbs, in Italian (2nd group verbs)

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Irregular Verbs

The “ere” group of verbs also includes several irregular verbs, which change their stem at the time of conjugation. The most common ones are:

  1. bere – to drink
  2. tenere – to hold
  3. volere – to want
  4. dovere – to have to, must
  5. potere – to be able to, can
  6. sapere – to know (how to do something)
PronounBere (to drink)Tenere (to hold)Volere (to want)Dovere (to have to, must)Potere (to be able to, can)Sapere (to know)
irregular verbs of the “ere” conjugation

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Serena Capilli

I’m the creative force behind both this blog and my collection of short stories in simple Italian for language learners, available on Amazon.

Ciao👋! I’m Serena.

Teaching Italian is my vocation! I’ve been writing this blog since 2015 and publishing easy readers for language learners since 2022. I specialize in teaching adults.

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Le Avventure di Paul a Roma

Gioielli, Caffè e Firenze

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