Italian Language Foundations
Italian Basics
They say you can’t build a great building on a weak foundation. I tell you can’t become a fluent Italian speaker on weak foundations. That’s why I am gathering on this page my best articles for beginners learners of Italian (the page is not under construction yet).
Some students are scared by grammar.
Instead, I say to my students that knowing a little grammar can be a fantastic shortcut to optimal Italian fluency.
Why memorize words, sentences, or even whole dialogues if you can learn one rule and apply it endless times?
That’s all it takes to become undefended and smart Italian language learners.
Most Common -ARE Verbs in Italian
Present Tense of 'parlare' (regular verb) IoparloI speakTuparliYou speak (singular,...
Italian Present Tense
What's the present indicative tense in Italian? The Italian present tense is used to describe what...
17 Common Italian Irregular Verbs and How to Learn Them
What's an irregular verb? An irregular verb in Italian is one that doesn't follow standard...
Conoscere vs. Sapere: The Difference and How to Use Them – Practice Exercises
What's the difference between "sapere" and "conoscere"? Although both "sapere" and...
Ce l’ho: What does it mean?
Everybody agrees that the pronoun ci is, probably, one of the most mysterious words in Italian,...
Italian Numbers: A Guide for Beginners
My English teacher at university was an Irish woman who had lived in Italy for over a decade. One...
Italian Question Words: A Simple Guide
Question words are those used at the beginning of a sentence to form a question. In English, these...
Italian Reflexive Verbs: Step-by-Step Conjugation Guide
What's a Reflexive Verb? Reflexive verbs (verbi riflessivi) are verbs that require a reflexive...
Italian Verb Conjugation: A Comprehensive Guide
If you've ever taken a formal Italian class, I'm sure your teachers required you to spend a...
Italian Passato Prossimo with ‘Essere’
Choosing the Correct Auxiliary Verb in Italian Italian has many compound tenses (verbs which are...
Italian Modal Verbs: A Simple Guide
Italian Modal Verbs What's the Difference Between the Italian Modal Verbs and Other Types of...
Italian Possessive Adjectives: A Simple Guide
What Are Possessive Adjectives in Italian? The possessive adjectives are those words that...
Apostrophe in Italian: How To Use It
The apostrophe is a unique feature of the Italian language. When used properly, it will help you...
Don’t learn harder, learn SMARTER
There are two types of people: bad finishers and good finishers. Most of us are good starters when...
Tips to learn fast and well at your level
How to learn Italian as a complete beginner
8 Great Italian short stories for beginner