by Serena | Dec 12, 2023 | Italian grammar, beginners
The impersonal form with “si” In Italian, we have a simple way to make a generalization or to make a sentence where the subject is not specified: the impersonal form. The impersonal form is made up by: si + any verb conjugated in the 3rd person singular....
by Serena | Dec 12, 2023 | Italian grammar, beginners
In Italian, the verbs essere and avere are certainly amongst the most popular ones. This is why they are widely used in many common Italian idiomatic expressions like the one following. Bear in mind that a certain number of recurring expressions use the...
by Serena | Dec 9, 2023 | Italian grammar, beginners, intermediate
How to Conjugate ‘Piacere’ As you might already know, piacere (and a few other verbs that I will list at the end of this post) doesn’t follow a regular conjugation pattern, and it’s used differently from its equivalent in English...
by Serena | Dec 8, 2023 | Italian grammar, beginners
Italian, like many other languages, has different forms of address that reflect the level of formality in a given situation. The use of “tu” is informal, and it’s typically used between friends, family members, or close acquaintances. On the other...
by Serena | Dec 8, 2023 | Italian grammar, beginners, intermediate
Building solid foundations is key in every foreign language you learn. Mastering the nitty-gritty of the basics will be your pathway to fluency, I promise. That’s why today we’ll cover the Italian definite articles (gli articoli determinativi) and especially when...
by Serena | Dec 7, 2023 | beginners, Italian grammar
As you already know, there are three groups of verbs. 1st (-ARE verbs)cucinareto cookmangiare, studiare, guardare2nd (-ERE verbs)scrivereto writeleggere, vedere, vincere3rd (-IRE) verbs)dormireto sleepaprire, partire, finireItalian verb groups Most of the...