Italian Grammar
Learn by reading the latest blog posts in italian
Teacher’s Guide: Italian Verbs with Double Auxiliaries
Italian Verbs with Double Auxiliaries Examples:...
How to Say ‘How’ in Italian
1. Come The most frequent translation of 'how'...
Mastering Italian: Fa Bene/Fa male
This article will explain the meaning and use of...
How to say “how long have you been doing something” in Italian
In Italian, to ask how long someone has been...
Italian Future Tense: A Simple Guide
The future tense: Italian vs. English The most...
6 Great Italian Writers to Explore the Italian Modern Literature
We all learn a foreign language because we want...
Italian Sentence Structure
The Basics of Italian Sentence Structure and...
What do “Qualsiasi” e “Chiunque” mean?
Qualsiasi (Any) Qualsiasi is one of those...
Italian Passato Prossimo
What is passato prossimo in Italian? ...
What’s The Difference Between ‘Dovevo’ and ‘Ho Dovuto?’
If you ended up on this page, it's because you...
Migliore and Meglio: The Difference
Migliore vs. Meglio "Migliore" and "meglio" are...
Direct Object Pronouns in Italian: An Easy Guide
What's a pronoun? Pronouns are an...
Anch’io vs. Anche a me (Neanch’io vs. Neanche a me) – The Difference
Anch'io vs. anche a me: the difference "Anche"...
How to Use the Verb Servire in Italian
What does 'servire' mean? First, let's delve...
Italian Past Conditional: A Simple Guide
Italian Past Conditional In Italian, there are...
Riuscire and Potere. The Difference.
In my experience as an Italian language teacher,...
Italian Noun Gender. Determining Masculine vs. Feminine
Nouns ending in '-o' or '-a' In Italian...
Italian Prepositions: How To Use “In”and “A”
In or A? One of the most common mistakes in...
Italian Impersonal Form
The impersonal form with "si" In Italian, we...
Common expressions using ESSERE and AVERE
In Italian, the verbs essere and avere are...
The Preposition ‘Da’: How to Use It
Most of the time, the Italian preposition "da"...
Dovere, avere bisogno, servire, bisogna: The Difference
In this post, I want to discuss the differences...
Mi manca? Mi manchi? A Guide to the Use of ‘Mancare’
If you want to say “I miss” in Italian, you...
Italian Double Object Pronouns: A Simple Guide
In Italian, it's very common to use...
Imperfetto vs. Passato Prossimo: A Simple Guide.
Both the imperfetto and passato prossimo...
The Verb Piacere in Italian: A Simple Guide
How to Conjugate 'Piacere' As you might already...
Perché, Perciò, Siccome: The Difference
Perché: why / because Unlike in English,...
Lasciare, Partire, Uscire, Andare via – The Difference
In this article I want to shed light on the...
Understanding the use of ‘Anzi’ in Italian
What does 'anzi' mean? Anzi is hard to...
Più, Di Più, In Più – When to Use Each Form
Uses of "Più" and Its Combinations The Italian...

Ciao, I'm Serena!
I'm a passionate teacher of Italian as a foreign language with over 10 years of experience. I've taught Italian in Japan, the UK, Slovakia, and Spain, both online and offline. My main focus today is on creating the best possible learning materials and experiences to enhance Italian fluency among adult language learners.